Yaila’s Story→

Enjoy your time here. New videos on various energy topics are posted every week. The Monthly Energy Update is usually posted on whichever Wednesday is before the 1st of the new month. Classes and workshop announcements coming soon. Check out the store page for gifts and membership discounts. More Merch in the works as well. So happy you are here, and hope you find everything offered helpful on your journey.

Everything Is Energy…

Yaila is an Intuitive Teacher & Healer, as well as a Theta Healing Practitioner. She loves to help her clients and students strengthen their own intuition and find more alignment in their daily lives.

When you understand how to “read” and “work” with energy you can easily improve and create your life beyond your wildest dreams. This is not just about positive thinking, mantras, or the next fad gadget.

This is about enhancing your intuition and feeling grounded in your body. This is about learning what conscious and unconscious programs and patterns you have running the show. How to move past them, change them, and thrive regardless of outside circumstances. This is about learning the core issues that make you feel stuck in a loop or closed down and begin to flow freely in alignment.

Most people don’t realize how much they give away their personal power. Most were not taught how to hold seniority of their space. You are more powerful and worthy than you know.

There are many ways to work and learn from Yaila. She offers Energy Reading & Healing sessions, classes & workshops, more retreats to come, as well as weekly energy topics and tools discussed on her YouTube channel. Be sure to peak around the site for all of the fun things and if you have any further questions or inquiries feel free to connect with her here. Contact →